In order to protect your military career, your freedom, your reputation, and your future, it is crucial that you have a dependable attorney representing you. When you have been charged with a crime or are facing administrative discipline, you are at risk of losing everything that you have worked hard to attain. With so much at risk, you need an experienced advocate on your side. Trying to go it alone and hoping for the best is a recipe for disaster.
Depending on the charges and what you are up against, a loss at a trial or a board hearing could result in:
• Discharge from service
• Loss of your retirement
• Loss of military housing benefits
• Loss of medical benefits
• Loss of future opportunities
• And more
As you can see, the stakes are high, which is why you can’t afford to sit idly by. By enlisting the services of a skilled military criminal defense attorney you can improve the likelihood of being vindicated or lessen the penalties as much as possible. At John Malek Law Group, we will defend you every step of the way and provide you with valuable insight so you can make informed decisions. With our Attorney Malek having served on the field as a former JAG and military magistrate, you will have counsel that you can relate to and who has a deep knowledge and familiarity with the way the military justice system works. When you are in trouble, retaining our legal services is the wisest choice you can make.